• Do you often feel that you have to give up your career for your marriage?

  • Do you feel that career aspirations override the marriage priorities?

  • Are you and your spouse struggling to find synchronicity in your career journeys??

  • Do you struggle to communicate your career goals to your spouse?

  • Do you and your spouse find it difficult to make career decisions?

Your career takes up a lot of your time, but you don't have to lose your marriage in the process. And you can pursue your career and have a great marriage.


we're Gary & Julie Gallimore

We came to a point in our marriage where we began to diverge. We suddenly realized that we were strangers to each other.

But it didn’t suddenly happen.

Overtime we matured and became older and became more solidified in our personalities and traits, but we never really took a stock of exactly who we were. This made it difficult to connect on what seemed like simple matters.

We eventually realized that our spouse needed someone who would complement and support them. We both had to answer the question, “Am I that person for my spouse?”

The only way we could answer this was to put a stamp on who we were as individuals. Once we solved that puzzle, it became easier to be our spouse’s best partner.

Which is why we created
Successful Career and Marriage course.

If you are a leader who is married, not yet married, or contemplating ending your marriage, we help you understand the role that your careers play in your marriage and how you can continue to enjoy both without sacrificing either.

These remarkable lessons will help you:

  • Understand how to balance career growth and marriage growth.

  • Support each others aspirations.

  • Deal with the challenges your career imposes on your marriage.

Still have questions?

  • Who is this course for?

    This course is for those who are married, not yet married, or contemplating a divorce. We discuss how your mental marriage model can be the catalyst for a successful marriage or the impetus for a failed marriage experience.

  • What if I’m not married?

    Marriage is still an aspiration for many and career growth is an aspiration for many. We help you secure both. It is a good idea to get a good grasp on how you view marriage because your happiness depends on whether or not those expectations are met.

  • What if I am already married?

    This course is for those who are married, not yet married, or contemplating a divorce. If you are already married, this course will help you understand your own behaviors toward marriage.

  • Can I enroll at anytime or is there a specific start date?

    There is no specific start date. You can enroll whenever you choose.

  • What if I am not happy with the course?

    To help us serve you and others better in the future we ask that you kindly take time to explain to us in detail what you did not like about the course. We will then offer you 100% money back.

  • What if I need more resources and support than the course?

    You can take advantage of other courses, or sign up for coaching sessions. We also have a podcast that discusses several topics that support leaders in their marriage.

  • Do I have to take the course with my spouse?

    No you do not. For this course, in particular, it is a good idea to take the course individually and then share your responses with your spouse.

  • Do my spouse and I have to pay for two separate courses?

    No, you and your spouse can share one account that gives you access on demand.

  • If I have other questions that are not answered here, whom should I contact?

    Send us an email at [email protected] and we will answer any questions that you might have.

Are you ready to make a long-term investment in your marriage?

Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
Everything seems fine but our marriage seems to take a permanent back seat to our careers. 
Try any and everything to build balance but it doesn't seem to be working.
Enroll in the Successful Career and Marriage course to discover how you can experience success in your marriage and career.

  • Take Course Material Offline

  • Keep track of your progress

  • Learn practical concepts to enhance your marriage

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Introduction and welcome

    • Introduction and welcome
  • 2

    Common cross-points between marriage and career

    • Common cross-points between marriage and career
  • 3

    Marriage culture and career growth

    • Marriage culture and career growth
  • 4

    Effort required for career growth

    • Effort required for career growth
  • 5

    Managing time required outside of work to grow career

    • Managing time required outside of work to grow career
  • 6

    Career needs and personal values

    • Managing time required outside of work to grow career
  • 7

    Supporting your spouse's difficult career

    • Supporting your spouse's difficult career
  • 8

    Communicating career goals without sounding selfish

    • Communicating career goals without sounding selfish
  • 9

    Establishing career primacy

    • Establishing career primacy
  • 10

    Changing from a stable career to entrepreneurship

    • Changing from a stable career to entrepreneurship
  • 11

    Distinguishing between "Calling" versus Workaholism

    • Distinguishing between "Calling" versus Workaholism
  • 12

    Career and Divorce

    • Career and Divorce
  • 13

    Closing Remarks

    • Closing Remarks