A Short Guide to a Happy Marriage

Join Gary and Julie on a journey into securing happiness and enduring love in your marriage.

10 things this book will teach you

  • You design your happy marriage.

  • Small moments of happiness are just as important as big moments.

  • Spouses don't make each other happy; they work together to build happiness.

  • You design the environment of happiness.

  • Your definition of happiness grows from personal to mutual.

  • Happiness in your marriage requires contribution from both spouses.

  • Each spouse's happiness is equally important.

  • Happiness in your marriage might be easier to achieve than you think.

  • You own your marriage outcomes.

  • Getting what you want is not an indicator of being happy.

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More about the book...

A Short Guide to a Happy Marriage gets to the heart of what a lot of people want when they decide to get married and why they decided to stay married. We believe that everybody wants to be happy. Think about it for a minute: why wouldn't you want to be happy? 

Being unhappy is reason enough to leave one situation and go to another. Divorces don't just happen because people feel like it. When a spouse walks away from a couple, it's because they are looking for happiness.

Happiness will always be subjective. We want to feel valued; we want to feel respected; we want to feel protected; we want to feel desired. Some or all of these things will amount to some level of happiness.

One message that we keep emphasizing is that spouses do not make each other happy. Spouses work together to create the environment where happiness takes place. Understanding that is crucial. A marriage comprises two different individuals who vow to be married until it is impossible for them to remain married. During that time, they are supposed to work together to make it possible and exciting to remain married.

Regardless of where you are in your marriage, you can have a happy marriage.

It's up to you.

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