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Episode 34 Summary –
Spousal Abuse Is Not Okay
In this episode, we discuss why spousal abuse is not ok which probably goes without saying. A lot of times spouses treat each other abusively and carry on as though it's just part of the relationship. What they don't know is that they might have already fractured their entire marriage and destroyed whatever future they thought they would have. We discuss how to recognize abuse from either side and how to recover from abuse.

Episode 26 Summary –
Nonstop Marriages: Let’s Do it Again and Again and Maybe Again
In the last episode of the series on Nonstop Marriages, we talk about reinventing your marriage. Nonstop marriages mean that spouses experience 2 to 5 relationships over the lifetime of their marriage. Reinventing your marriage simply means recognizing the phases that your marriage will go through, and approach it as though you are starting your relationship over and over. That is one way to do it. The other way is to create the moments and milestones where you want to start over. You don't need tragedy to reinvent your marriage. Enjoy!!

Episode 25 Summary –
Nonstop Marriages: How Much of Your Spouse Do You Own?
In the penultimate instalment of our series on nonstop marriages, we talk about entitlement. Each spouse is entitled to certain things from their spouse. This entitlement can be interpreted as ownership which means that one spouse could be in debt to the other spouse if the entitlements are not granted. We discuss how to secure your marriage by looking at entitlements as privileges to receive and to grant.

Episode 24 Summary –
Nonstop Marriages: I Want You to Do it This Way
In this episode we talk about how to ask for what you want to get your needs met. We discuss reasons why you might not get what you want, what you should do before you ask, what you should consider before you ask, and what you should do after you ask. Learning how to communicate directly is a critical piece in creating nonstop marriages.

Episode 12 Summary –
We Can Fix This Together
In this episode, we examine problem solving in marriage. Spouses need to become good at solving marital problems in order to preserve their marriage. One of the keys to effective problem solving is changing your perspective towards your spouse and the issue(s) at hand.

Episode 8 Summary –
We Prefer a Quiet Fight
In this episode, we discuss Low-Intensity Chronic Warfare aka bickering. This behavior might seem harmless but it is in fact insidious. We discuss turning bickering into real conversations to resolve the underlying issues.

Episode 5 Summary –
“I’m the better spouse and here is why!”
In this episode, we explore a common behavior between spouses - scorekeeping. Sometimes spouses become locked in competition about any and everything, ranging from petty to serious. We discuss the pitfalls of keeping score and how to make scorekeeping a collaborative effort rather than a competitive matter.

Episode 4 Summary –
Now You’ve Gone Too Far
In this episode, we extend the conversation from pet peeves to triggers. We point out how to subjectively define your triggers and offer suggestions for managing them before they cause you to get out of control.

Episode 3 Summary –
How Serious Are Your Pet Peeves
In this episode, we talk about pet peeves - the irksome habits and behaviors of your spouse that drive you up the wall. We discuss the various magnitudes of pet peeves, how to cope, and draw the line between "OK" and "Too much!"

Episode 2 Summary –
How About A Time Out
In this episode, we discuss the importance of spending time together as spouses. It is absolutely imperative that you set aside time for relief, time for rejuvenation and time for learning and development. We offer suggestions for making time for each other and getting the most from your time together.

Episode 1 Summary –
Too Busy to Get Busy
In this episode, we talk about being too busy to find time to get "busy" with our spouse. We explore the different levels of intimacy and offer tips for making time to express your love to each other.

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