And have a great time building
Episode 33 Summary –
Think You’re Not Ready for Counseling? Do’s n Don’ts
In this episode, we talk about what you should do and what you should not do if you feel as though you are not yet ready for marriage counselling. Marriage health is just as important as physical and mental health. Oftentimes, one spouse might not feel ready for counselling. If one spouse is not ready, then both spouses are not ready. But in the meantime there are some things you need to be sure of in your marriage while you wait.

Episode 32 Summary –
Keep Your Relationship Counsellor on Speed Dial
In this episode, we talk about why it is important to use the advice of a marriage counsellor in order to keep your marriage healthy. Just like how we seek health advice from a medical doctor, or how we seek legal advice from a lawyer before we make a decision, we should seek guidance from a marriage counsellor. This will help preempt undesirable outcomes in your marriage.

Episode 30 Summary –
Make Your Marriage Fun and Easier
In this episode, we talk about how to make your marriage fun and easier. Busyness, boredom and complacency are marriage killers. But busyness is inevitable. The key is to manage busyness so that you can mitigate boredom and complacency. We suggest some ways to keep the fire burning in your marriage.

Episode 29 Summary –
Marriage, Career and Transitions
In this episode, we will be talking about some of the challenges that come along with being married and managing your career. To be successful in some careers, it can take up a lot of your time inside and outside of the workplace. What happens if you get a promotion? What happens if you lose your job? What if you have to relocate? These are some examples of the transitions that you will have to face if you're married with children and intent on growing in your career. Even without children, your marriage can be impacted by these things.

Episode 28 Summary –
Reasons to Get Married That Have Nothing to Do With Love
In this episode we will be talking about reasons to get married that have nothing to do with love.
Marriage is often portrayed as a simple contract which can be broken or even renegotiated at some point down the road. But that should not be the case. People get married for different reasons. For some it’s an issue of convenience while for some it’s time to get married. Love should be a big part of your marriage, but as discussed, there are lots of other factors and benefits that come from such a fulfilling relationship. There are several reasons to get married. While most people marry to be with the person they love, most of what your marriage accomplishes has nothing to do with the feeling of love.

Episode 27 Summary –
Let’s Get Physical
In this episode, we talk about the importance of remaining physically healthy in order to get the best out of your marriage. There are so many things that can impact your physical health including your mental health. We provide answers to the following questions: Why is it important to take care of your physical health? Who are the winners and losers of your poor health? How does taking care of your health maximize your marriage relationship? What can you do to promote good physical health in your marriage?

Episode 26 Summary –
Nonstop Marriages: Let’s Do it Again and Again and Maybe Again
In the last episode of the series on Nonstop Marriages, we talk about reinventing your marriage. Nonstop marriages mean that spouses experience 2 to 5 relationships over the lifetime of their marriage. Reinventing your marriage simply means recognizing the phases that your marriage will go through, and approach it as though you are starting your relationship over and over. That is one way to do it. The other way is to create the moments and milestones where you want to start over. You don't need tragedy to reinvent your marriage. Enjoy!!

Episode 23 Summary –
Nonstop Marriages: Responsibility Rules
In this episode we will be talking about responsibility rules which is somewhat of a play on words. You might hear responsibility rules as in responsibility is the dominant factor or the rules of responsibility. We will be focusing on the rules of responsibility while keeping in mind that responsibility is very important in marriage, particularly if you want to build a nonstop marriage. We discuss assigning roles in your marriage, holding each spouse accountable and supporting each other in those roles.

Episode 14 Summary –
Good Grief
In this episode, we discuss the fact that there will always be something to grieve about in your marriage. We share ways to handle grief and make the best of the most inevitable experiences you will face.

Episode 13 Summary –
The Good Side of Being Frustrated
In this episode, we are going to shed some light on how to see the good side of your frustrations. We will get into why frustrations - though they cause us to think negatively - are actually essential to jumpstart your vision for a better way of being and doing things.

Episode 11 Summary –
We Must Synergize Our Way to Gestalt
In this episode, we discuss thirteen critical things that lasting relationships need. Many of these things are simple yet often overlooked. The best part is that they are applicable to leadership anywhere.

Episode 9 Summary –
Arguing Is Like An Onion
In this episode, we consider whether or not it is normal and healthy to argue. Some spouses get defensive or contemptuous. We also suggest ways to argue properly in order to create a new level of trust, understanding and respect.

Episode 7 Summary –
The Scientific Way to Apologize
In this episode, we talk about apologizing. Spouses hurt each other often and seldom provide recourse to restitution. We discuss the correct way to apologize so that both spouses can move forward together.

Episode 6 Summary –
Whisper Sweet Nothings
In this episode, we discuss how to make your marriage a space of trust and security. We talk about the importance of using affirming words to build each other up, rather than spewing out malignant words to break each other apart.

Keep on discovering each other