Affirmation Exercise to Enhance your Marriage Experience
Digital downloadA beautiful exercise for practicing affirmations. Many of us struggle with maintaining a positive mindset. Start every morning with a burst of positivity and self-belief, setting the tone for a productive and fulfilling day.
Understand how you are feeling and manage your emotional responses.
Digital downloadSubjective Units of Disturbance (SUDs) is a self-assessment scale used to measure the intensity of distress or discomfort a person is experiencing at a particular moment enabling mental health treatment.
Understand your MUST-WIN battles
Digital downloadCertain battles are must-wins because you will never stop fighting them. They are critical challenges that you must address to achieve your key objectives and secure long-term success.
Are the people surrounding your marriage adding value?
Digital downloadEmbark on a transformative journey with our Evaluating Key Partnerships Exercise, which helps you assess the strength and value of the people around your marriage. You'll analyze aspects such as trust, communication, shared values, and contribution.
Working with a financial planner? Here are some questions to ask.
Digital downloadAsking the right questions to a financial planner is crucial for managing and growing your wealth. The right questions help uncover insights about your financial planner’s expertise, strategies, and how they align with your personal goals.